Publications Publisert 14.11.2014 14:03 Sist endret 21.02.2018 09:47 The Swedish and Norwegian Taxonomy Initiatives The Swedish and Norwegian Taxonomy Initiatives aim to survey and describe the diversity of species that forms the basis of our ecosystems. In this brochure we give a short presentation of the ongoing work, with emphasis on the strong collaboration between the two projects. Norwegian red list of species - methods and results This brochure on the Norwegian Red List of Species 2015 tells you what a red list is and why we have them, and provides a short introduction to how red-list assessments are carried out. It also describes some of the results in this edition of the Red List using examples of particular species and species groups. The state of knowledge about insect pollination in Norway This report summarizes the state of knowledge in Norway concerning insect pollination. It also goes on to examine pollination as an ecosystem service and the consequences human pressures have on this complex interaction. The report identifies gaps in our knowledge and proposes measures to remedy them. Alien Species in Norway - with the Norwegian Black List 2012 Alien species in Norway – with the Norwegian Black List 2012 presents an overview of alien species in Norway and of ecological impact assessments of alien species which reproduce in Norwegian territories. Norwegian Red List for Ecosystems and Habitat Types 2011 The publication is a national risk assessment of ecosystems and habitat types, covering all terrestrial, freshwater and marine systems. The 2010 Norwegian Red List for Species The Norwegian Red List contains risk assessments for species extinction in Norway. Altogether 21 000 species have been evaluated, resulting in 4599 red listed species. Environmental Conditions and Impacts for Red Listed Species This book presents information about environmental conditions and impacts for Red list species in nine environments in Norway, and for Svalbard.